From 24 to 28 October, Luis Rogério G. Farinelli, partner of the Indirect Taxes, International Taxation, and Transfer Pricing areas participated in the WTS Global Meeting 2017, in Miami. Among the activities during this period, Farinelli – who is a member of the board of WTS Global – met with the other members to discuss the next steps of the world alliance. After that, the TDM (Tax Directors’ Meeting) will happen, an event organized by WTS Global with lectures for tax directors of multinational clients of the network. Farinelli represented Brazil on the panel “Tax Incentives and Opportunities in Latin America”. The event was attended by over 50 countries, members of WTS Global, as well as by representatives of Lataxnet. Machado Associados is the firm that represents WTS Global in Brazil and a co-founder of Lataxnet, an alliance formed by 18 South-American firms that has recently joined WTS Global.