Partner in the Tax Litigation area, Renato advises and represents domestic and foreign clients in tax matters before administrative and judicial courts, having extensive experience in presenting oral arguments before the various Courts, including Superior Courts and Administrative Judgment Bodies.
Master of Laws in Tax Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) (2014)
Especialization in tax law, Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários (IBET) (2007)
Especialization in tax law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) (2005)
Bachelor of laws, Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo (2003)
Brazilian Bar Association - São Paulo Section (OAB/SP)
International Tax Review: Tax Controversy Leaders (2017)
International Tax Review: Tax Leader by the Tax Leaders Expert Guide - World Tax (2020)
International Tax Review: EG Tax Leading Advisor (2022 and 2023)
- STF – Levy of social security contributions on paid maternity leave is unconstitutional
- MP 927/2020 – Loss of Effectiveness – Not Converted into Law
- Decree 10422/2020 – Extension of the deadline for reduction of working hours and suspension of employment contracts
- Law 14020/2020: Converted from MP 936/2020
- Main Labor Measures of MP 927/2020 are Considered as Constitutional by the STF Plenary
- STF Plenary Session Confirms the Possibility of Negotiation by Individual Agreement
- Provisional Measure 936/2020 – Effectiveness of Individual Agreements: STF Decision
- Ordinance 150/2020 of the Ministry of Economy – Extension of the deadline to pay employers’ social security contribution, SAT, CPRB and “funrural”
- Provisional Measure 936/2020 – Ministry of Economy informs how the information on the reduction of working hours or temporary suspension of the employment contract must be transmitted
- Provisional Measure 936/2020 – Emergency employment and income maintenance program
- PROVISIONAL MEASURE 932/2020 – Reduction of contribution rates to third party entities (“S” System)
- MP 927/2020 – Preserve employees and income due to the covid-19 pandemic
- Did you know? The deadlines to submit federal tax returns to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service are extended
- Coronavirus: Provisional Measure 927/2020 – FGTS payments postponed